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Sustainability – women's wear

October-December 2017

This project was conducted in cooperation with the company “Renuar”. We received an unsold batch of clothes that were going to be discarded. We were forbidden to purchase anything new, but required to use only the remains of fabrics, clothes and accessories. One of the things that I have learnt throughout the project is that ‘quick fashion’ rules and rotation is just increasing nowadays. Although, I have noticed that many people have clothes in their private wardrobes that have great sentimental value for them and even though they don’t wear them anymore, it is difficult for them to get rid of them or pass them on. Usually it would be an item which has something special, whether it is the fabric, or was inherited in the family, or just remained as a memory of something.

The idea was to take all these clothes that are precious to us and create something desirable that we would want to wear, while preserving the memory of the original clothes and leave effects that will enable us to identify from where each part came. The commercial side of the idea was to make use of items that were never sold and instead of discarding them, bring them back to life and pour new memories in them.

During this project I have created two sets of costumes, one basic and the other one avant-garde. In the avant-garde set I used a big black wind coat, which belonged to my father and turned it into a dress in addition to leggings that I had. On top of this coat I created a corset which I made of leather-like boots that I got from “Renuar”. In the basic set I used jeans also from “Renuar” which I bleached and assembled.

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